(C1/2025) With the definitive signing of the 2024 agreement on differentials, signed on 31 December (!) we have left behind a very intense year which recorded, for the umpteenth time in a row, the unbearable interference of the supervising ministries in CCNI bargaining and the total absence of most of the organisation’s top management. At least last year the then President was committed to supporting the certification of the supplementary contract, this year we wonder where the President of the largest social security institution is, perhaps too busy receiving the Golden Lion for lifetime achievement and taking part in conferences dedicated to Content & Digital Creators to take care of matters more suited to their role.
Once we’ve finished the big meals and forgotten the extra glasses we legitimately allowed ourselves, it’s time to take stock of the situation. This year too, the supervising Ministries have presented a series of observations which reveal aspects of non-compliance of the INPS Supplementary Contract and have given the green light only for the part relating to salary differentials.
Despite the enormous difficulties, we managed to bring home aan operation that has no equal in the negotiations of other entities: the attribution of an economic transition to almost all staff in the three-year period 2022-2024. For this result USB played a leading rolereiterating in every negotiation that we would not accept any downward compromise, which would have instead been to make a partial agreement in July, certainly cutting out 2000 colleagues from the group of beneficiaries. Selling the facts as if the issue were resolved in a banal “excerpt agreement yes or agreement agreement no” is a childish and deceptive tale which we are certain does not need further explanations to be understood by all colleagues.
However, shadows remain over everything else, given that the ministries they blocked the remaining part of the contract. We are tired of interference, we are tired of the absence of the President and the leaders in the most significant negotiations. While recognizing the enormous work done by the negotiating delegation, it is no longer a question of arranging or filing some documents, it is a question of ensuring that the Institute regains the leading role it deserves on the national scene, of valorising the Institution’s staff not only with empty words or reasoning, but in deeds. There are many issues that must be resolved as soon as possible for the definitive certification of the CCNI 2024, starting from the provision of the TEP to the staff hired in 2023, which we remind you that the Administration can still decide to pay in advance without the need for any agreement to excerpt. We therefore ask that a tight calendar of meetings be started immediately to close the 2024 game and immediately open the 2025 game.